Investment Performance |
below is the historical performance of Groesbeck Investment Management
Corporation. Included are three tables presenting composite return information
related to our investment philosophies. For definition purposes, a
composite is an aggregation of discretionary portfolios into a single group
that represents a particular investment objective or strategy. All performance
return information presented is total return calculated in U.S. dollars.
Period End
Total Return |
Total Return |
Total Return |
2014 |
5.08 |
13.69 |
4.65 |
2015 |
-11.48 |
1.38 |
-11.92 |
2016 |
4.87 |
11.96 |
4.31 |
2017 |
15.99 |
21.83 |
15.45 |
2018 |
-9.12 |
-4.38 |
-9.56 |
2019 |
18.57 |
31.49 |
17.92 |
2020 |
11.66 |
18.40 |
10.99 |
2021 |
28.40 |
28.71 |
27.69 |
2022 |
-14.19 |
-18.11 |
-14.74 |
2023 |
21.90 |
26.29 |
21.18 |
2024 (YTD) |
14.78 |
25.02 |
14.03 |
1 Yr (12/31/24) |
14.78 |
25.02 |
14.03 |
3 Yr
(12/31/24) |
6.28 |
8.94 |
5.62 |
5 Yr (12/31/24) |
11.47 |
14.53 |
10.79 |
10 Yr
(12/31/24) |
7.16 |
13.10 |
6.56 |
The Growth of
Income composite (created 1/1/94) represents the total return of all accounts
utilizing a growth of income investment objective. Performance includes
reinvestment of dividends and is calculated in U.S. dollars. Groesbeck
Investment Management Corp. (GIM) founded in 1993 is an employee-owned
investment adviser, providing equity portfolio management services to
endowments, foundations, pension plans, trusts, IRA’s and high net worth
individuals and individual customers. Since Jan. 1, 1994, composites have
been valued monthly and portfolio returns have been weighted by using
beginning-of-month market values. Performance results are presented after
deduction of actual investment management fees, trading expenses, and any
custodial fees. GIM does not use performance based fees. Fees for accounts in
this composite use the methodology as described in ADV Part 2A-Item 5 as 1%
on the first $10 million under management. Note fees are negotiable and can
be lower for higher levels of assets under management. No leverage or derivative
securities have been used in these accounts. GIM claims compliance with the
Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) and has prepared and presented
this report in compliance with the GIPS standards. GIM has been independently
verified for the periods January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2021, by EVIV Group
Inc. The verification report(s) is/are available upon request. Verification
assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all the composite
construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2)
the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present
performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not
ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. The composite
includes the following: number of portfolios, the annual standard deviation,
composite market value at the end of the period ($Mil), percentage of total
firm assets, 3 Year standard deviation of monthly returns and 3 Year standard
deviation of the benchmark monthly returns. Note: dispersion is not
statistically meaningful (NMF) when there are fewer than 6 portfolios in the
composite for the entire year. (Period) (#, s, $M, %,St. Dev. Returns, St.
Dev. Benchmark 2014: #10, 2.37s, $118.0, 47.9%, 9.0, 9.0; 2015: #12, 0.62s, $96.1, 48.7%, 12.3, 10.5; 2016:
#11, 2.35s, $92.0, 65.2%, 14.0, 10.6; 2017: #10, 3.24s, $100.2, 63.8%, 13.4,
9.9; 2018: #9, 1.38s, $85.1, 63.9%, 12.7, 10.8; 2019: #10, 3.47s, $95.1, 66.6%,
12.5, 11.9; 2020: #9, 1.83s, $16.9, 24.9%, 19.4, 18.5: 2021: #10, 2.44s,
$23.4,27.5%, 19.9,17.2; 2022: #8,
2.22s, $19.3, 28.3%, 21.6, 20.9; 2023: #8, 2.744s, $22.8, 29.7%, 18.2, 17.3; 2024:
#5, 1.62s, $8.0, 12.4%, 17.7, 17.2. If applicable, the annual standard
deviation presented is an asset - weighted calculation of performance
dispersion for accounts in the composite for the entire year. The standard
deviation presented in the footnote for the composite and benchmarks is calculated
on gross returns. Past performance is no indication of future results. A
complete list and description of firm composites and/or a GIPS-compliant
presentation, contact GIM at 201-291-7888 and or at
Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing
compliant presentations are available upon request. The S&P 500 Stock
Index is a market cap weighted index of 500 listed and over-the-counter
equity U.S. securities of the top
companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy |
Period End |
Total Return |
Total Return |
Total Return |
2014 |
8.87 |
13.69 |
8.35 |
2015 |
-6.21 |
1.38 |
-6.75 |
2016 |
-0.81 |
11.96 |
-1.40 |
2017 |
25.52 |
21.83 |
24.93 |
2018 |
-8.51 |
-4.38 |
-8.95 |
2019 |
33.39 |
31.49 |
32.68 |
2020 |
24.42 |
18.40 |
23.81 |
2021 |
28.60 |
28.71 |
28.18 |
2022 |
-21.96 |
-18.11 |
-22.30 |
2023 |
32.62 |
26.29 |
32.31 |
2024 (YTD) |
15.24 |
25.02 |
14.68 |
1 Yr (12/31/24) |
15.24 |
25.02 |
14.68 |
3 Yr (12/31/24) |
6.09 |
8.94 |
5.60 |
5 Yr (12/31/24) |
13.82 |
14.53 |
13.34 |
10 Yr (12/31/24) |
10.53 |
13.10 |
10.01 |
The Growth
composite (created 7/1/93) represents the returns for all nontaxable accounts
of $500,000 or greater utilizing a growth investment objective (ie. income is
not a consideration). Performance includes reinvestment of dividends and is
calculated in U.S. dollars. Groesbeck Investment Management Corp. (GIM)
founded in 1993 is an employee-owned investment adviser, providing equity
portfolio management services to endowments, foundations, pension plans,
trusts, IRA’s and high net worth individuals and individual customers. Since
Jan. 1, 1994, composites have been valued monthly and portfolio returns have
been weighted by using beginning-of-month market values. Performance results
are presented before deduction of investment management fees. Fees for accounts
in this composite use the methodology as described in ADV Part 2A-Item 5 as
1% on the first $10 million under management. Note fees are negotiable and
can be lower for higher levels of assets under management. No leverage or
derivative securities have been used in these accounts. GIM claims compliance
with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). GIM has been
independently verified for the periods January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2021,
by EVIV Group Inc. The verification report(s) is/are available upon request.
Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all the
composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide
basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate
and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification
does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. The composite
includes the following: number of portfolios, the annual standard deviation,
composite market value at the end of the period ($Mil), percentage of total
firm assets, 3 Year standard deviation of monthly returns and 3 Year standard
deviation of the benchmark monthly returns. Note: dispersion is not
statistically meaningful (NMF) when there are fewer than 6 portfolios in the
composite for the entire year. (Period) (#, s, $M, %,St. Dev. Returns, St.
Dev. Benchmark 2013: #5, 2.73s, $9.6, 3.6%, 11.4, 11.9; 2014: #3, 4.40s,
$7.9, 3.2%, 9.8, 9.0; 2015: #3, 3.06s, $7.1, 3.6%, 11.4, 10.5; 2016: #3,
2.81s, $6.6, 4.7%, 12.8, 10.6; 2017: #3, 2.29s, $8.1, 5.2%, 12.3, 9.9; 2018:
#2, 1.65s, $6.0, 4.5%, 14.1, 10.8;
2019: #2, 0.05s, $6.9, 4.9%, 15.0, 11.98; 2020: #2, 3.08s, $8.2,
12.1%, 21.8, 18.5: 2021: #2, 0.36s, $10.2, 12.0%, 20.2, 17.2; 2022:
#2, 4.16s, $7.8, 11.5%, 23.3, 20.9; 2023; #7, 3.82s, $13.9, 18.1%, 19.5,
17.3; 2024: #5, 1.62s, $8.0, 12.4%, 17.7, 17.2. If applicable, the annual standard deviation presented is
an asset - weighted calculation of performance dispersion for accounts in the
composite for the entire year. Past performance is no indication of future
results. Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and
preparing compliant presentations are available upon request. A complete list
and description of firm composites and/or a GIPS-compliant presentation,
contact GIM at 201-291-7888 and or at Policies for valuing
portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations
are available upon request. The S&P 500 Stock Index is a market cap
weighted index of 500 listed and over-the-counter equity U.S. securities of the top companies in leading
industries of the U.S. economy. |
Period End |
Total Return |
Total Return |
Total Return |
2014 |
13.78 |
13.69 |
10.43 |
2015 |
-9.52 |
1.38 |
-12.21 |
2016 |
10.59 |
11.96 |
7.34 |
2017 |
23.02 |
21.83 |
19.44 |
2018 |
-7.29 |
-4.38 |
-10.06 |
2019 |
29.07 |
31.49 |
26.58 |
2020 |
13.57 |
18.40 |
11.34 |
2021 |
29.17 |
28.71 |
26.71 |
2022 |
-9.87 |
-18.11 |
-11.70 |
2023 |
15.86 |
26.29 |
13.59 |
2024 (YTD) |
8.67 |
25.02 |
6.53 |
1 Yr (12/31/24) |
8.67 |
25.02 |
6.53 |
3 Yr (12/31/24) |
4.30 |
8.94 |
2.24 |
5 Yr (12/31/24) |
10.73 |
14.53 |
8.55 |
10 Yr (12/31/24) |
9.38 |
13.10 |
7.24 |
The Managed
Accounts Growth of Income composite (created 4/1/03) represents the total
return for all portfolios in managed accounts wrap fee program using our
growth of income style. Performance includes reinvestment of dividends and is
calculated in U.S. dollars. Groesbeck Investment Management Corp. (GIM)
founded in 1993 is an employee-owned investment adviser, providing equity
portfolio management services to endowments, foundations, pension plans,
trusts, IRA’s and high net worth individuals and individual customers. Since
Jan.1, 1994, composites have been valued monthly and portfolio returns have
been weighted by using beginning-of-month market values. Gross performance calculations do not
reflect the deduction of GIM investment management fees and other advisory
fees. GIM receives a 50 basis point fee on managed wrap accounts. Trading
expenses and other wrap costs have been deducted from performance. No
derivatives or leverage was used in managing customer accounts. GIM claims
compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). GIM has
been independently verified for the periods January 1, 2008 to December 31,
2021, by EVIV Group Inc. The verification report(s) is/are available upon
request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all the
composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide
basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate
and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification
does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. The
composite includes the following: number of portfolios, the annual standard
deviation, composite market value at the end of the period ($Mil), percentage
of total firm assets, 3 Year standard deviation of monthly returns and 3 Year
standard deviation of the benchmark monthly returns. Note: dispersion is not
statistically meaningful (NMF) when there are fewer than 6 portfolios in the
composite for the entire year. (Period) (#, s, $M, %,St. Dev. Returns, St.
Dev. Benchmark 2010: #309, 0.28s, $102.9, 35.3%, 19.8, 21.9; 2011: #250,
0.57, $91.7, 35.0%, 15.6, 18.7; 2012: #212, 0.54s, $82.7, 33.3%, 12.4, 15.1;
2013: #176, 0.29s, $83.2, 31.05%, 10.0, 11.9; 2014: #99, 0.45s, $59.7, 24.2%,
8.3, 9.0; 2015: #68, 0.52s, $40.1, 20.4%, 11.0, 10.5; 2016: #29, 1.40s, $13.1,
9.2%, 12.1, 10.6; 2017: #20, 0.65s, $11.1, 7.1%, 11.9, 9.9; 2018: #18, 0.48s,
$7.2, 5.4%, 11.6, 10.8; 2019: #16, 0.49s, $7.5, 5.2%, 12.0, 11.9; 2020: #14,
0.30s, $7.8, 11.6%, 17.4, 18.5: 2021: #11, 0.70s, $9.0, 10.5%, 16.7, 17.2;
2022: #10, 0.38s, $6.7, 9.8%, 19.8, 20.9; 2023: #9, 1.23s, $5.8, 7.5%, 17.3,
17.3; 2024: #9, 1.02s, $6.1,9.4%, 17.0, 17.2. If applicable, the annual standard deviation presented is
an asset - weighted calculation of performance dispersion for accounts in the
composite for the entire year. Past performance is no indication of future
results. Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and
preparing compliant presentations are available upon request. A complete list
and description of firm composites and/or GIPS-compliant presentation,
contact GIM at 201-291-7888 and/or at The S&P 500 Stock
Index is a market cap weighted index of 500 listed and over-the-counter
equity U.S. securities of the top companies in leading industries of the U.S.
economy. * Net returns are calculated using a 2% maximum annual fee.
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